The toolbox allows for the comparison of an artificial hand with the human hand. The result shows the percentage of grasping movements that can be covered with a
given hand design. The human movements are defined by 31 grasp types, as presented in the comprehensive grasp taxonomy. The only grasp types excluded are the
"distal type" and the "tripod variation". Have a look at the modified grasp list to check the differences.
The Toolbox is distributed under GPL3 licence.
The toolbox was created in collobotation with Javier Romero and Carl-Hendrik Ek (libicocco[at], chek[at] from KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
For citation of the Toolbox please use the following:
T. Feix, J. Romero, C. H. Ek, H.-B. Schmiedmayer, and D. Kragic,
"A metric for Comparing the Anthropomorphic Motion Capability of Artificial Hands," Robotics, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 82-93, Feb. 2013.
[Online]. Available: bib,
Hands tested so far:
If you have tested your hand, tell us the results and we will add your hand here!